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Andersen zapewnia świetną okazję do nauczenia się czegoś nowego, regularnie przeprowadzając wywiady z czołowymi światowymi ekspertami i liderami opinii z różnych dziedzin nauki i biznesu.
The End of the Era of Growth?
Andrei Movchan is a financial expert and founder of the investment management company Movchan's Group.

US Healthcare: Wrongs and Rights
Jeff Goldsmith was a National Advisor at EY and is an Associate Professor of Medical Education at the University of Virginia.

Future of Medicine
Daniel Kraft is an M.D., Stanford and Harvard-trained physician scientist, and founder and chair of Exponential Medicine.

Future of Mobile Apps in Banking
Ernest Lachowski, Head of Mobile and Web Applications at Bank Millennium, is speaking about the defining trends shaping the future of mobile banking: AI, UI/UX, contactless operations.

Impact of AI on the Maritime Industry
Oliver-Andreas Leszczynski, Director of Artificial Intelligence at the Institute of Northern-European Economic Research, is discussing the impact of AI on the maritime and shipbuilding domain.

AI and Vehicles
Maxence Van Goethem, Fleet Sales Manager for Benelux at XPENG, delves into the topic of next-gen mobility, explaining the future of AI, e-mobility, and flying cars.

Exploring Smart Buildings
Björn Erb, Head of Development and Product Owner at Eliona, talks about the benefits of smart buildings, AI/ML in sustainable construction, and DACH software trends.

Healthcare Transformation
Claus Torp Jensen, C-Suite Transformation Leader and CIO, speaks about how digital transformation, AI, and RPM are revolutionizing patient care and trust in virtual services.

Far-Reaching AI Implications
Tomasz Stachlewski, Head of Technology at AWS, discusses how Artificial Intelligence is reshaping businesses and jobs, and the ways to adopt and master it.

How Innovation Transforms Kidney Care
Jammie Mathews, Director at RenalWorks, discusses how digital innovation, Artificial Intelligence, and a patient-centered approach contribute to kidney care.

Wearable technologies and generative AI in healthcare
João Bocas is an expert in wearable technology, a digital health influencer, globally recognized business thought leader, mentor, advisor, and entrepreneur.

Future of Payments
Anna Maj is an innovation leader, strategic advisor, and co-author of The PAYTECH Book and The AI Book. She is one of the Top 10 FinTech Innovators and Top 10 Women in FinTech.

Global best practices in digital health
Koen Kas is a healthcare futurist, professor of molecular oncology, and CEO of the Healthskouts research company.

Finance and Banking: Trends and Challenges
David Gyori is the CEO of Banking Reports and one of the world's leading experts in financial technologies.

How Technology Is Driving Transformation in Banking
Jim Marous is one of the Top 5 FinTech Influencers to Follow, co-publisher of The Financial Brand, and owner of Digital Banking Report.

Payments, Gamification in Banking, and AI Evaluation
David Gyori is the CEO of Banking Reports and one of the world's leading experts in financial technologies.

Transformation of Financial Services
Dr. Efi Pylarinou is a Wall Street professional, ex-academic with a Ph.D. in Finance, and a Global Woman Influencer.

Banks and FinTech on Platform Economies
Paolo Sironi is a Global Research Leader in Banking and Financial Markets at IBM Consulting, an advisor, and an entrepreneur.

Pharma: Practices, Trials, Technology
Craig Lipset was the Head of Clinical Innovation and a Venture Partner at Pfizer who currently represents the forefront of research.

The End of the Era of Growth?
Andrei Movchan is a financial expert and founder of the investment management company Movchan's Group.

US Healthcare: Wrongs and Rights
Jeff Goldsmith was a National Advisor at EY and is an Associate Professor of Medical Education at the University of Virginia.

Future of Medicine
Daniel Kraft is an M.D., Stanford and Harvard-trained physician scientist, and founder and chair of Exponential Medicine.

Future of Mobile Apps in Banking
Ernest Lachowski, Head of Mobile and Web Applications at Bank Millennium, is speaking about the defining trends shaping the future of mobile banking: AI, UI/UX, contactless operations.

Impact of AI on the Maritime Industry
Oliver-Andreas Leszczynski, Director of Artificial Intelligence at the Institute of Northern-European Economic Research, is discussing the impact of AI on the maritime and shipbuilding domain.

AI and Vehicles
Maxence Van Goethem, Fleet Sales Manager for Benelux at XPENG, delves into the topic of next-gen mobility, explaining the future of AI, e-mobility, and flying cars.

Exploring Smart Buildings
Björn Erb, Head of Development and Product Owner at Eliona, talks about the benefits of smart buildings, AI/ML in sustainable construction, and DACH software trends.

Healthcare Transformation
Claus Torp Jensen, C-Suite Transformation Leader and CIO, speaks about how digital transformation, AI, and RPM are revolutionizing patient care and trust in virtual services.

Far-Reaching AI Implications
Tomasz Stachlewski, Head of Technology at AWS, discusses how Artificial Intelligence is reshaping businesses and jobs, and the ways to adopt and master it.

How Innovation Transforms Kidney Care
Jammie Mathews, Director at RenalWorks, discusses how digital innovation, Artificial Intelligence, and a patient-centered approach contribute to kidney care.

Wearable technologies and generative AI in healthcare
João Bocas is an expert in wearable technology, a digital health influencer, globally recognized business thought leader, mentor, advisor, and entrepreneur.

Future of Payments
Anna Maj is an innovation leader, strategic advisor, and co-author of The PAYTECH Book and The AI Book. She is one of the Top 10 FinTech Innovators and Top 10 Women in FinTech.

Global best practices in digital health
Koen Kas is a healthcare futurist, professor of molecular oncology, and CEO of the Healthskouts research company.

Finance and Banking: Trends and Challenges
David Gyori is the CEO of Banking Reports and one of the world's leading experts in financial technologies.

How Technology Is Driving Transformation in Banking
Jim Marous is one of the Top 5 FinTech Influencers to Follow, co-publisher of The Financial Brand, and owner of Digital Banking Report.

Payments, Gamification in Banking, and AI Evaluation
David Gyori is the CEO of Banking Reports and one of the world's leading experts in financial technologies.

Transformation of Financial Services
Dr. Efi Pylarinou is a Wall Street professional, ex-academic with a Ph.D. in Finance, and a Global Woman Influencer.

Banks and FinTech on Platform Economies
Paolo Sironi is a Global Research Leader in Banking and Financial Markets at IBM Consulting, an advisor, and an entrepreneur.

Pharma: Practices, Trials, Technology
Craig Lipset was the Head of Clinical Innovation and a Venture Partner at Pfizer who currently represents the forefront of research.

The End of the Era of Growth?
Andrei Movchan is a financial expert and founder of the investment management company Movchan's Group.

US Healthcare: Wrongs and Rights
Jeff Goldsmith was a National Advisor at EY and is an Associate Professor of Medical Education at the University of Virginia.

Future of Medicine
Daniel Kraft is an M.D., Stanford and Harvard-trained physician scientist, and founder and chair of Exponential Medicine.
Oferujemy pracę nad projektami dla światowych marek
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Uzyskaj informację zwrotną od rekrutera
Umów się na dogodny termin rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej
Sprawdzanie języka angielskiego
Przejdź 10-minutową rozmowę kwalifikacyjną
Będziesz mógł w przyszłości pracować nad prestiżowymi projektami anglojęzycznymi
Rozmowa techniczna
Przejdź 30-60-minutową rozmowę techniczną
Uzyskaj ocenę swojej znajomości teorii i praktyki
Dowiedz się więcej o projektach i planach Twojego rozwoju w firmie
Tak, dla wszystkich naszych ofert pracy istnieje możliwość pracy zdalnej. Są trzy opcje pracy: w biurze, zdalnie oraz wariant mieszany, w którym możesz pracować zdalnie 2 dni w tygodniu. Wyjątkiem są stanowiska kierownicze, gdzie praca w biurze jest wymogiem.
Nie mamy ścisłego dress code'u. Nosimy to, w czym jest nam wygodnie. Jeśli jest gorąco, wystarczą lekkie ubrania i buty. Jednocześnie szanujemy siebie nawzajem i wyglądamy schludnie.
Nie. Wszystkie wakaty są przeznaczone do pracy na full time.
Dzień roboczy zaczyna się zazwyczaj o 9:00 i kończy o 17:00.
Tak, dbamy o rozwój naszych pracowników, dlatego firma rekompensuje kursy specjalistyczne i certyfikaty.
Tak, od czasu do czasu zdarzają się prace, które wymagają znajomości języka niemieckiego, najlepiej w połączeniu z angielskim. Możesz przesłać nam swoje CV odpowiadając na każdą z interesujących Ciebie ofert pracy z przypisem "Interesuje mnie praca, w której wymagana jest znajomość języka XXX". Odezwiemy się do Ciebie, gdy tylko pojawi się oferta pracy, która wymaga znajomości tego języka.
Czekamy na was w Andersen!
Zostaw swoje dane kontaktowe, a na pewno odpowiemy!
“Cześć! Mam na imię Taras i zajmuję się rekrutingiem w Andersen. Nasz zespół dokładnie analizuje każde CV. Czekamy na Twoje zgłoszenie - z przyjemnością powitamy Cię w naszym zespole!”

Taras Wasilenko
Head of Recruitment
“Cześć! Mam na imię Taras i zajmuję się rekrutingiem w Andersen. Nasz zespół dokładnie analizuje każde CV. Czekamy na Twoje zgłoszenie - z przyjemnością powitamy Cię w naszym zespole!”