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Liminal Thinking, or How to Put a Giraffe in the Refrigerator

Andersen's office in Minsk: Royal Plaza Business Center, Pobediteley Avenue 7a, floor 24

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15:30 UTC




About the event

Aleksey Glazman will tell you how to accept your bias, move beyond the boundaries of personal beliefs, and look at the context around you from different angles.

The event will be interesting for:

Everyone who wants to better understand their client and team and learn how to build effective, long-term relationships with both through understanding their perceptions.


Topics and speakers

Aleksey Glazman

Aleksey Glazman

Project Manager

15:30 UTC

Liminal Thinking, or How to Put a Giraffe in the Refrigerator

About the topic

At this Tech Talk, we’ll discuss: — What liminal thinking is; — How it helps in life and at work; — What methods to use to develop it. And, of course, we’ll analyze this entire concept with examples using the zoom-in/zoom-out technique.

About the speaker

Aleksey has been working in management for five years, with half of that time spent in IT. He founded and develops an offline community for Project Managers in Minsk.

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