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DevOps Community. Cozy Talks with Andersen
Andersen's office in Budapest – Árbóc utca 1-3, HUB 2-3, 5th floor
17:30 UTC
About the event
Are you considering a career as a DevOps engineer? We have an exciting event lined up just for you! Set a reminder in your calendar for December 6th, as we're inviting you to join us in the 'DevOps Community. Cozy Talks with Andersen' – a meetup for those looking to switch to DevOps.
The event will be interesting for:
All software developers, system administrators, network engineers, and even those with no IT background are welcome. This event is open to everyone who craves knowledge and wants to explore the fascinating world of DevOps.

Topics and speakers

Aladdin Ibrahim
System Administrator
Level up Your Career: Skills and Strategies to Enter DevOps
About the topic
Aladdin Ibrahim, our system administrator, will share insights on finding your 'zero starting point' when venturing into DevOps. Discover the fundamental steps and strategies that will pave the way for your successful DevOps journey.
About the speaker
Aladdin Ibrahim holds a degree in electronics and communication engineering with a focus on networks. With over three years in the field, he has gained extensive experience, particularly in multi-vendor environments. His journey led him to Andersen, where Aladdin became a system administrator slightly over a year ago. Currently, he is developing his skills to become a DevOps engineer.

Alexander Grigoryev
DevOps Engineer
Tips and Tricks on How to Work on a DevOps Project When Your Toddler Is Around and Needs Attention
About the topic
Alexander Grigoryev, a DevOps engineer, will dig deeply into how it's possible to work and look after a toddler at the same time when you are a DevOps engineer. We'll find out how to create IaC, as well as monitor and prepare CI/CD, in such situations.
About the speaker
Alexander Grigoryev is a DevOps engineer with solid knowledge of Kubernetes. He has been a QA engineer, system administrator, and database administrator. Alexander is also a founder of K8s meetups in Budapest, a cyclist, and, of course, a dad.
Unfortunately, registration for this event is already closed. However, Andersen often organizes interesting events! Find out more information in the dedicated community!