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When Work Doesn't Work

Andersen's office in Minsk: Royal Plaza Business Center, Pobediteley Avenue 7a, floor 24

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15:30 UTC




About the event

We’ll talk about how to stop chasing success, escape the control of high performance culture, and comfortably work at your own pace.

The event will be interesting for:

Managers who are looking for effective approaches to organizing the work of employees, as well as all those who want to become more productive without sacrificing their mental well-being.


Topics and speakers

Kirill Hudoeshko

Kirill Hudoeshko

Marketing Specialist

15:30 UTC

When Work Doesn't Work

About the topic

The speaker will focus on the psychology of emotions – how to interpret them correctly and handle them. By using psychological techniques and knowledge from physiology, attendees will learn how to formulate tasks, prioritize, concentrate, and recover their balance.

About the speaker

Kirill is the only marketer hired by the marketing department immediately after graduation. He is a specialist in intercultural communication, a sociologist, financier, PR manager, and experienced speaker. Deep knowledge and personal charm are the keys to his success.

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