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Front-end Hero Meetup in Krakow
Welcome to our JS community
16:00 UTC
About the event
Andersen’s team invites you to the Front-end Hero Meetup that will be held on July 14th, 2022. The meetup will host such renowned speakers as Piotr Zientara, сo-founder of WarsawJS Foundation and CEO at Xfaang, Andrzej Mazur, founder of Enclave Games, and Evgeny Kirichuk, Senior React Developer at Andersen. Each of them will present relevant topics to the audience in plain language. Enjoy listening to exceptionally insightful reports and being in a pleasant company of like-minded people in cozy atmosphere of Andersen’s office.

Topics and speakers

Evgeny Kirichuk
Senior React Developer at Andersen
Six apps in 20 minutes: cross-platform JavaScript development with a monorepo
About the speaker
Front-end Lead developer with over 6 years of experience in building web and mobile applications. Evgeny's main technology stack is based on JavaScript and React. He is constantly mastering new technologies and keeping up with new trends in modern tech world. Evgeny enjoys finding solutions to complex problems, achieving outstanding results, and having positive experience with teams and businesses.

Andrzej Mazur
Founder of Enclave Games
Building games in 13 kilobytes
About the speaker
HTML5 game developer, founder of Enclave Games, organizer of the js13kGames competition and meetups, the Gamedev.js community's firestarter, and a publisher at Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter. Participating in the Mozilla Tech Speakers program, Andrzej is excited about cutting-edge web technologies, such as WebXR, Progressive Web Apps, and Web Monetization API.

Piotr Zientara
Communication as a hard skill
About the speaker
Organizer of ConfrontJS 2018 and ConfrontJS 2019 conferences, co-founder of WarsawJS Foundation and leader of WarsawJS Community, co-founder of AskQL Technologies, author of maths and programming tutorials, full-stack developer with 8 years of experience.
Unfortunately, registration for this event is already closed. However, Andersen often organizes interesting events! Find out more information in the dedicated community!