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Psychotraumas and Parental Messages for Career Success

Andersen’s office in Minsk: Royal Plaza Business Center, Pobediteley Ave. 7a, 24th floor

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15:30 UTC




About the event

Let's discuss the relationship between career success, childhood psychotraumas, and parental conditioning.

At the meeting, we’ll discuss:

  • How to identify your inner child and what its connection to parental psychotrauma is;
  • Family situations that can be traumatic for children;
  • The impact of parental psychotrauma on career choices and growth, and much more.

The event will be interesting for:

Anyone who wants to learn about their well-being and the well-being of their children.


Topics and speakers

Kirill Hudoeshko

Kirill Hudoeshko

Marketing Specialist

15:30 UTC

IT Therapy: Uncovering Psychotrauma and Parental Messages for Career Success

About the topic

Have you ever wondered how childhood psychotrauma and parental messages can affect your career? Kirill Hudoeshko – a specialist in intercultural communication, marketer, clinical psychologist, social psychologist, and experienced speaker – will help us get a grasp on this complex topic.

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